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Kudo Hotel Phuket

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kudo hotel

Kudo Hotel Phuket

这家重塑品牌的海滨度假酒店如何将年收入提高 57%,并渡过 Covid 危机,成为芭东业绩最好的酒店之一!

普吉岛 Kudo 酒店位于芭东的中心地带,是一家全新装修的豪华海滨五星级度假酒店,距离普吉岛最繁忙的旅游热点仅几步之遥。 Percentage 公司提供全面整合的电子商务和数字营销解决方案,包括全面的 OTA 和收益管理,以最大限度地提高度假村的盈利能力。 下面是我们的部分成果!


Phuket Bay Group




2018 年至今

+ 0 %

在线客房收入同比增长 92

+ 0 %

入住率在 14 天内从 4%增至 50%,45 天内增至 88

+ 0 %

酒店总收入同比增长 57

0 X

REVPAR 在 30 天内增加了 8 倍,60 天内增加了 16 倍,90 天内增加了 20 倍

Kudo Hotel Patong Digital Marketing

The Challenges && ObjectivesObjectives

The newly constructed & rebranded Kudo Hotel was a little-known resort with with very high rates & poor online distribution strategy. The resort was heavily reliant on offine travel agents & used an old-fashioned on-premise PMS. The primary objective was to increase online & direct sales while eliminating un-yieldable offline agent contracts, while modernising operational processes by leveraging the latest hotel technology.

The Solutions && ResultsResults

Our OTA & Revenue management team went about re-setting up all OTA channels, while our hotel IT team planned the implementation of Cloudbeds PMS at the hotel. Our web development team also designed a fully integrated sales website with customised booking engine solution.

What were the results? Year-on-year online room revenue increased by 92% & REVPAR increased 8X in 30 days & occupancy increasd to 88% in 45 days!

testimonials quote pattern

“The Percentage Company 是普吉岛最好的全方位服务数字营销机构。对他们的利基业务了如指掌,团队专业、充满活力且富有创造力。最重要的是,他们取得了卓越的成果。我聘请了 The Percentage Company 来监督酒店管理、酒店 Kudo Hotel 的客房销售和营销,这是芭东海滩上的 26 个主要酒店。” “从那时起,该物业的销售量不断上升,该物业的收入也不断增加。我对该公司明智、良好的策略带来了有效的结果感到惊喜。如果您正在寻找一家知识渊博的数字营销机构, “The Percentage Company 拥有一支精干的团队,他们能够紧跟不断变化的世界趋势,并快速调整他们的战略。我对他们的服务非常满意,并会一次又一次强烈推荐他们。”

Jimmy Semaan
Managing Director / Phuket Bay Group
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